Police search for man suspected of at least two burglaries
Claremont Police Department investigators are searching for an older white male in his 60s, who is suspected of breaking into a restaurant and dental office in Claremont last week.
On Saturday, June 3 at approximately 6:20 p.m., the suspect entered the office of Nicholas Gih, DDS at 231 N. Indian Hill Blvd., Suite B, through an open sliding glass door. Once inside, the suspect ransacked all of the rooms and stole 10 Target and 10 Starbucks gift cards valued at $10 each, as well as three rolls of US Postal stamps. The crime was captured on video surveillance and showed the suspect leaving undetected.
Police describe the suspect as an older white male in his 60s standing five feet, nine inches tall, weighing 190 pounds with white or gray hair. At the time of the burglary, he was wearing a black baseball cap, a white long sleeve t-shirt, blue jeans and white Puma tennis shoes. The suspect was also seen carrying a hammer.
Police believe this is the same suspect that burglarized Petisco’s, 211 W. First St., on the same day. In that incident, the suspect pried off a few wooden boards from the fence that enclosed the courtyard area of the eatery. Once inside of the courtyard, the suspect shattered a glass window to the serving bay and stole an unknown amount of cash.
Also between Saturday, June 3 at 5:30 p.m. and Monday, June 5 at 10 a.m., an unknown suspect took a hammer or similar tool to damage the dead bolt on the front door at Real Estate Hound, 219 N. Indian Hill Blvd., Suite 204. Police say the attempted burglar did not gain entry and there was no property loss in this incident, however, they believe it may be related to the other crimes.
Anyone with information should call the Claremont Police Department at (909) 399-5411.