City July Fourth fireworks show gets price bump
The city is increasing fees for two Claremont favorites—the fireworks show and Camp Claremont.
The fee increases, passed within the consent calendar during last week’s city council meeting, are part of the ongoing 2018-2020 budget, Human Services Director Anne Turner said in the agenda report. The Fourth of July fireworks show will increase from $8 pre-sale and $10 at the door, to a flat rate of $10 for either. Camp Claremont’s weekly fees will double from $15 to $30.
The increase for the fireworks show was needed to close an $11,400 shortfall between revenue and expenditures that was revealed during the current budget process, Ms. Turner wrote. The price increase will add $11,000, which will shrink the shortfall to $400.
The last time the prices for the fireworks show were increased was in 2010.
Camp Claremont, an eight-week summer camp for kids from first to eighth grade, is facing a similar gap, Ms. Turner said. The Human Services Department found that the total cost for equipment and staffing was approximately $66,000, well above the $15,700 generated from current ticket prices.
By doubling the prices, she said, the revenues will also double, bringing the total to $31,400—far from closing the gap between revenues and expenditures.
Ms. Turner stressed in the agenda report that the $30 fee is still lower than surrounding communities with similar programs. For example, Arcadia’s summer camp program costs $127 a week, and Ontario’s camp costs $100 a week.
The next city council meeting will take place on April 24.
—Matthew Bramlett