Claremont police get temporary space help from CUSD

The Claremont Police Department is getting some help from the school district in the form of some extra space. The council unanimously approved a resolution allowing the Claremont Unified School District to gift three modular buildings to the CPD to allow for more space to help them operate.

Police Chief Shelly Vander Veen told the council the buildings would serve as an interim space for police staffers in anticipation of future seismic and safety improvements that could be made in the future.

The chief stressed the buildings would be a temporary fix, and even with the seismic and safety improvements, the station would still have building code issues, an out od date jail and would be out of compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

“We will still have to explore and find permanent solutions for a new police facility,” she said.

The buildings would come from Sumner Danbury Elementary School, and the buildings themselves will come at no cost to the city. The city will, however, have to pay for moving the buildings and setting them up at the station. Chief Vander Veen noted it would cost around $39,600 for the move.

Mayor Opanyi Nasiali noted that Claremonters should not take this news as a panacea for the police station’s needs.

“There’s still that big need, and the public should try to remember that as we go forward,” he said.


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