Edison works to resolve Clean Power Alliance billing issues

Over the past few months, Southern California Edison had several issues with its billing system that caused delays in the issuance of bills, or the issuance of incomplete bills, for about 10 percent of Clean Power Alliance (CPA) customers, according to the city.

CPA is a collection of municipalities that offers clean renewable energy to Claremont residents and businesses. Edison has said it fixed the issues that caused the problems and that the number of impacted customers is not increasing. Over the next few months, Edison will be sending bills to impacted customers that contain two or more billing periods for CPA charges that Edison failed to include the past few months.

Customers who are seeing higher than normal bills are not being charged extra and are not being double-billed. These customers are being billed for past electricity usage that Edison either did not apply to prior bills or did not bill for at all.

The city said no late fees or penalties will be applied and if the higher-than-normal monthly bills are a financial burden, customers are encouraged to contact SCE at (800) 655-4555 to arrange a payment plan.


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