Storm drain construction on Foothill Boulevard starts this week
Work continues on the Foothill Boulevard Improvement Project. The current phase of construction covers the portion of Foothill Boulevard from Yale Avenue to Mountain Avenue. Beginning Monday, July 29, construction of a new storm drain line will take place from Colby Circle to Mountain, in the west bound direction, according to the city manager’s report.
Temporary traffic control will be needed to accommodate the space for construction, bringing Foothill down to a single lane heading west toward Mountain. Traffic signal timing will be adjusted to accommodate the work, which is expected to last for approximately four weeks.
While phase three is under construction, landscape and electrical work will continue on the first two phases, from Monte Vista Avenue to Yale Avenue. Bikeway construction has been completed, but will remain closed for safety purposes until the project is completed in December 2019, the city said.
The Foothill Boulevard improvements are being conducted in four phases. Staff expects each phase to take up to three months to complete. Once construction is completed, Foothill Boulevard will have two vehicle travel lanes in each direction and will include either a Class IV Bikeway (protected bike lane), Class II Bikeway (bike lane), or a combination of Class II Bikeway and on-street parking.
As the project moves along, updates will be posted on the city’s website. For information, contact the engineering division at (909) 399-5465.