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Claremont senior programs cancelled amid coronavirus concerns

by Matthew Bramlett |

The city of Claremont announced Wednesday evening that it is canceling events involving seniors and large groups as a precaution against the coronavirus.

The city has canceled any and all events or classes involving adults 55 and over, according to a release from the city. City-hosted special events with more than 100 participants through April 12 will also be cancelled, including Arbor Day and the Spring Celebration. Earth Day will be postponed, but the city will reassess on April 1 to see if an extended cancellation timeline is necessary.

The city is taking extra precaution when it comes to programs for the city’s senior population. Congregate meal service for seniors has been cancelled, as well as all senior clubs, classes, support groups and social gatherings, the city said.

Starting on Monday, March 16, both the Joslyn Senior Center and the Blaisdell Center will be closed. Boxed lunches will be available in front of the Joslyn for Claremonters who are part of the nutrition program on Mondays and Wednesdays between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.—lunches for Monday and Tuesday will be available that Monday, and lunches for Wednesday and Thursday will be available on Wednesday, March 18, the city said.

All public meetings, such as city council meetings, will go on as scheduled. Those meetings are streamed live on the city’s website.

The city is urging residents to “take a moment to self-assess” to see if they are feeling well before attending a public meeting or gathering.

There are currently no confirmed cases of coronavirus in Claremont, but the total number of confirmed cases in Los Angeles County has risen to 29 as of Wednesday evening, with one death, according to the Los Angeles Times.

The city’s announcement follows the decision by the Claremont Colleges to cancel all in-person classes as a precaution against the virus.


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