Club members, management pitch in to help employees stay afloat

The Claremont Club made national news this week when the majority of its members agreed to keep paying their dues, even as the health club remains closed, so that the employees will continue to get paid.

In a series of letters sent to its members, and also posted on the Club’s website, CEO Mike Alpert made an appeal to the roughly 10,000 club members that if they continued to pay their dues for the two weeks in March as well as all of April and May, the Club would continue to pay its employees for that same period of time.

Once the Club reopens it will return the money to it members in the form of a 30 percent discount on dues over a 10- to 12-month period.

“We have 260 valued employees who are dependent on their paychecks to continue to be able to support their families. With your help the Club will be able to make sure our staff remains supported and that the Club continues to be able to serve you far into the future,” Mr. Alpert wrote.

The story was picked up by CBS News which included it in its national broadcast Tuesday night. It has also been reported in numerous online publications.

If the “stay at home” order is still in place as of June 1, then no further dues will be charged and memberships will be frozen until the Club can reopen.


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