City projects move forward, new sanitation contract approved

by Kathryn Dunn |

City of Pomona resumes Towne Avenue project

The city of Pomona has resumed the Towne Avenue rehabilitation project, which is taking place on Towne Avenue between Harrison Avenue and Foothill Boulevard. A small portion on the east side of this section of Towne is within the city of Claremont.

Work began in August 2019 and was scheduled to be complete by November. However, the two cities agreed to postpone work until after the Foothill Master Plan construction had been completed to help alleviate traffic in the area. The project should be done this fall.


City locates new sanitation, recycling company

At its last meeting, the city council unanimously voted to authorize Claremont’s city manager to enter into a contract with Grand Central Recycling & Transfer Station, Inc.

The 14-month contract is through June 30, 2021 with four optional one-year extensions in an amount not-to-exceed $250,000 per year for solid waste hauling services from the city yard transfer station to the Mid-Valley Landfill.

Additionally, in a second vote, the council authorized the city manager to contract with Grand Central for solid waste transfer services from the Pomona Valley Transfer Station to the Mid-Valley Landfill. Those terms are the same but costs are not to exceed $150,000 a year.


Mt. Baldy Road pavement rehabilitation complete

Roadway resurfacing of Mount Baldy Road from Mills Avenue to Grand Avenue was completed this week, according to the city manager. On Monday, April 20, the subcontractor should have completed the final phase of the project by installing pavement striping.


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