ZOOM CALENDAR: We want to know when you all meet!
The UNA of Pomona Valley invites the public to a program belatedly honoring International Women’s Day, “The 25th Anniversary of the Women’s World Conference in Beijing.” Offered on Zoom at 7 p.m., Professor Linda Perkins will present the major themes from her Claremont Graduate University course and Nifemi Ologunorisa, doctoral student from Nigeria, will give a presentation on “The Girlchild.” Zoom meeting name: “Pomona Valley UNA June 23rd with Linda Perkins.” Meeting ID: 810 4599 6281. Password: 026024.
The Drucker School Global Family Business Institute will host a virtual webinar on “Family Business: Trends, Surveys, and Current Realities” from 11 to 11:45 a.m. Join a conversation with FEUSA’s President/CEO Pat Soldano and the Drucker School’s Director of the Family Business Institute Kathleen Fariss. To register and receive the Zoom link visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/family-business-trends-surveys-and-current-realities-tickets-109257829108.
The event will use the 2020 Family Enterprise USA Owners Survey to explore immediate and long-term concerns for family businesses resulting from the COVID-19 crisis.
Have an event you want to promote? No better place thyan right here! Just email you event informattion to: calendar@claremont-courier.com.