Tree removal at Colby Circle begins, latest city council report

From the City Manager’s office

This week, the Community Development Department approved the removal of the existing trees located within the two surface parking lots north and south of Colby Circle. Street trees along the easterly portion of Colby Circle and along Indian Hill Boulevard (north and south of Colby Circle) are also being removed, and will be replaced as part of the new project landscaping. The existing Coast Live Oak tree located at the north knuckle of Colby Circle will be retained.

Tree removal is the first step in the demolition of the parking lots to allow the grading and construction of the 96-unit Colby Townhomes. The project was originally approved under the Old School House/Claremont Inn Specific Plan in 2006, and the project design was approved by the Architectural Commission in 2008, with several revisions approved in 2019.  

The developer of the project, Intracorp Homes, started tree removal activities on Thursday, January 14.


City Council action from meeting held on January 12, 2021.

COUNCIL ITEM: unanimously voted to—

• Confirm the various appointments to local and regional committees, boards, and organizations.

• Adopt a resolution designating Councilmember Reece as the Governing Board Member and Mayor Stark as Voting Alternate to the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Joint Powers Authority.

CONSENT CALENDAR: unanimously voted to—

• Adopt resolutions approving City warrant registers dated December 10, 2020, December 23, 2020, and January 7, 2021.

• Approve and file the regular City Council meeting minutes of December 8, 2020.

• Extend the current professional services agreement with Dudek Environmental Planning through completion of the environmental review for the proposed Clara Oaks project.

• Approve the purchase of Motorola Solutions Inc., radio equipment offered through the reimbursable State of California 2018 Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP).

• Authorize the Acting City Manager to enter into an agreement with Motorola Solutions Inc., in the amount of $70,122 for the purchase of portable radios, multi-radio battery bank chargers, adapters, audio jacks, and batteries.

• Authorize the Acting City Manager to enter into an agreement in the amount of $35,629 for the purchase of one Dodge Charger from Elk Grove Auto Group.

• Authorize the Acting City Manager to enter into a one-year continuance of the existing support agreement with Tyler Technologies, Inc., for support of the Eden Inforum Gold financial system in the amount of $58,674.

ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS: unanimously voted to—

• Approve the proposed Residential Organic Recycling Pilot Program.

• Authorize the Acting City Manager to execute a five-and-a-half-year contract with Athens Services in an amount not to exceed $850,000 annually for organic material composting and hauling services.

• Direct staff to offer each residential household one countertop organic collection bin at a cost of $5.

• Authorize the Acting City Manager to negotiate and enter into a professional services agreement with Trane U.S. Inc., for energy efficiency project development services.

• Authorize the Acting City Manager to negotiate and enter into a construction agreement with Trane U.S., Inc. for an amount not to exceed $5,580,600 for a comprehensive energy improvement project that meets all the requirements detailed in the project scope of services.

• Authorize the Acting City Manager to acquire a private loan for the full coast of the comprehensive energy improvement project, in a principal amount of up to $5,580,600.



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