City council review of The Commons development tonight

Meeting Description: Review and consideration of: (1) An appeal of the Architectural Commission’s decision to deny Architectural Review 18-A08; and (2) An appeal of the Planning Commission’s recommendation to deny Specific Plan 18-SP01, Zone Change 18-CA02, and General Plan Amendment 18-GPA02 for the proposed mixed-use project located west of the Monte Vista Avenue and Foothill Boulevard intersection on the north side of Foothill Boulevard commonly known as “The Commons.”

Meeting Location: This meeting will take place via Zoom at the date and time listed below. Instructions on how to participate will be detailed on the Agenda, which will be posted on the City Website five days prior to the meeting. The City Council is forgoing in-person meetings at City Hall to comply with local and state directives limiting gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Date & Time of Meeting: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 – 6:30 pm


You are invited to attend an upcoming meeting of the Claremont City Council via Zoom Video Communications to conduct a public hearing to review the appeals for the proposed project located west of the Monte Vista Avenue and Foothill Boulevard intersection on the north side of Foothill Boulevard. The project, commonly known as “The Commons,” is a proposal to construct a mixed-use project on 6.5 acres of vacant land located on Foothill Boulevard just west of Monte Vista Avenue in the City of Claremont. The project proposes 5,000 square feet of retail, 2,000 square feet of outdoor dining, fifteen (15) flats over the retail portion, twenty (20) townhomes, and twenty-seven (27) single family homes. The Project has approximately one acre of shared open space. The applicant, Clare Properties, LLC, owns a total of 9.5 acres in this area which straddles the boundary between the cities of Claremont and Upland. The applicant has separately applied to the City of Upland for approval of a development project on the 3.0 acres it owns in the City of Upland. The applicant is requesting that City Council uphold its appeals of: (1) The Architectural Commission’s decision to deny Architectural Review 18-A08; and (2) The Planning Commission’s recommendation that the City Council deny Specific Plan 18-SP01, Zone Change 18-CA02, and General Plan Amendment 18-GPA02. The applicant’s appeals ultimately request the City Council approve all of the above-listed entitlements and certify the Environmental Impact Report (“EIR”) for the proposed project.

Environmental Determination: An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (State of California Clearinghouse No. 2019110341) for The Commons project has been prepared by LSA, Environmental Consultants, on behalf of the City to identify and evaluate the potential environmental impacts associated with the construction and operation of the proposed project. A public review period was held from April 29 to June 15, 2020. Responses to comments received during this review period will also be included in the City Council packet for review. The Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) and Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) (which includes responses to comments on the DEIR) were reviewed by the Planning Commission at its October 20, 2020 meeting. If the City Council denies the applicant’s appeals (and therefore

denies the proposed project), environmental review will not be required. (14 Cal. Code Regs. § 15270.)


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