City and Golden State meet…more to be revealed

The city of Claremont met with Golden State Water in negotiations for the first time Friday. Officials met in the private meeting to discuss issues surrounding the local water system.

The hour-long conference took place in Riverside, at the law office of Best, Best and Krieger. While refusing comment on details surrounding the discussion, both sides agreed that it was a productive meeting.

“Golden State Water Company and Claremont officials today had a very productive meeting and discussed issues of mutual interest,” said Denise Krueger, Golden State’s Vice President of Regulated Utilities in a statement.

City Manager was also optimistic, adding that it was “a positive meeting to discuss issues of mutual concern.”

Friday’s meetup was the first time both sides have sat down to talk following the city’s $54 million offer to purchase its water system in November. Golden State administrators have made repeated statements that the company is not for sale.

In the meantime, the Claremont residents may soon see the price on their water bills rising. In July 2011, Golden State applied for a 24 percent rate increase in 2013 with smaller additional increases in 2014 and 2015. Constituents still await a decision from the California Public Utilities Commission.

Both parties said they did not know when the next meeting would be scheduled. More information as this story develops.

—Beth Hartnett


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