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Chevron gas station burglary suspects arrested by Claremont police

Claremont police think they’ve nabbed the suspects in a set of burglaries at the Chevron gas station at Indian Hill and Arrow Highway.

A Claremont police officer detained 2 suspects just prior to their committing a separate commercial burglary in the 1300 block of North Towne Avenue. After investigation,  police came to believe that these suspects were also involved in 2 recent burglaries at the Chevron Gas station located at 267 S. Indian Hill Blvd., Claremont.

A Claremont police officer patrolling the retail business complex on Towne Avenue at about 3:25 a.m. on Friday, April 26, saw 2 subjects near a vehicle backed in to the front of a business. The officer detained the 2 subjects who were found in possession of gloves, a hammer and flashlight.

The suspects were identified as Abraham Lopez, 35, from Whittier and Benny Gutierrez, 38, from Chino. Both suspects are already on active probation for burglary through Los Angeles County.

Both suspects’ homes were searched and additional evidence and/or stolen property linking them to the Chevron Gas station burglaries and other recent commercial burglaries that have taken place in Claremont over the last several weeks was located.

Claremont detectives recovered additional stolen property from the Chevron Gas station burglary during their search and are continuing to follow-up on leads related to this case and the other commercial burglaries.

The bail for Lopez and Gutierrez was set at $500,000 each. Both were booked into the Claremont city jail where they remain in custody pending their appearance in court.


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