Police take stalled negotiations with city to the next level

The Claremont Police Officers’ Association (POA) has filed an Unfair Practice Charge against the city of Claremont.

The association is claiming the city has violated the Brown Act and did not “meet and confer in good faith regarding wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment,” and has “interfered with intimidation, restraint, or discrimination against public employees” by violating officers’ rights to “join or abstain from the activities of an employee organization.”

The charge comes in response to months of unresolved employee negotiations.

“The city is still steadfast on not wanting to be fair with the cops,” said attorney Dieter Dammeier, lead negotiator for the police association. “While they are okay giving raises at city hall, they want cops to take pay cuts. It’s not acceptable to us.”

The accusations are “completely without merit,” said attorney Richard M. Kreisler of Leibert Cassidy Whitmore in Los Angeles, the city’s negotiator.

“All of the non-sworn employees of the city have agreed to pay a percentage of their PERS (Public Employee Retirement System) payments. All have 3-year contracts. Similar proposals have been made to the POA,” Mr. Kreisler said.

The city will file its own document in response to the association’s charges with the Public Employee Relation Board on Monday, October 24. The police unions are scheduled to meet with city officials once again in a closed session with the Claremont city council next Tuesday, October 11.

—Beth Hartnett


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