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Community comes together to give blood

Claremont residents took to Taylor Hall on Thursday to give back to one of their own. As of 4 p.m., an estimated 50 pints of blood had been collected as part of a drive organized by Claremont Lieutenant Mike Ciszek in honor of his father, Walter Ciszek, who this morning lost his battle with cancer. 

Among the donors were a number of Claremont’s police force, including Detectives Robert Ewing and Isaac Reyes as well as Claremont Chief of Police Paul Cooper, a first-time donor. 

“They are like family,” Chief Cooper said of the Ciszek clan, adding that there is a strong bond in general between members of local law enforcement. “We are there to help each other, especially in times of loss and need.”

Thursday’s drive started on a somber note after news that Lt. Ciszek’s father had died. For Claremont resident Betty Crocker, the sad news only served as a poignant reminder of the purpose of the blood drive.

“We often wonder how we can help our friends and family when their loved one passes,” she shared. “It seems today is a perfect opportunity for us to support the Ciszek family and their passion to make a difference for all cancer patients when blood supplies are so critically low.”

The blood drive continues at Taylor Hall, 1717 Indian Hill Blvd., until 5:30 p.m. Walk-ins are welcome.

—Beth Hartnett


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