Colleges host free international film fest

The Claremont Colleges host the free and open to the public 7C International Film Festival in and around Brant Clock Tower, 1050 N. Mills Ave., Claremont, at 5 p.m. Wednesday, April 9.

Films to be screened include “My Neighbor Totoro” at 5 p.m. on the clock tower lawn, “Chungking Express” at 5 p.m. in Benson Auditorium, just west of the clock tower, and “Battle on Buka Street” at 7 p.m. on the clock tower lawn. In the case of inclement weather, “My Neighbor Totoro” will be screened at Broad Center, 1060 N. Mills Ave., Claremont, and “Battle on Buka Street” will be screened at Benson Auditorium. Chairs and blankets are welcome for outdoor screenings. Additional info is at

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