Towne Avenue project update

The City of Claremont’s Towne Avenue Complete Streets Project began bike lane striping this week.

“The striping of the bike lanes with special green paint follows the travel lane painting which required special Caltransapproval for the I-210 bridge. Travel lanes will be reduced to 11 feet,” according to a post on the city’s website. “The permanent traffic signal timing is scheduled for September 17. Portions of the side streets adjacent to Towne Avenue will have old asphalt removed and new asphalt applied beginning September 23.”

The project requires review and permits from the City of Pomona and Caltrans. City staff also await Los Angeles Countyapproval for storm drain connections, sidewalk repairs, and catch basins construction at Scripps Drive.

“Once these items have been completed, the temporary asphalt patches will be repaired. Landscaping will be completed and will be in the 90-day maintenance phase,” the post read.

Call (909) 399-5465 for more info.


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