Readers comments 4-10-15


With thanks to Claremont

Dear Claremont community:

Claremont High School suffered a terrible tragedy on Sunday, March 29, when a CHS student passed away. It was a painful week for the students, staff and families of the CHS community; however, the support CHS received from this town and local agencies helped ease our burdens, if even just a little bit.

I want to thank the CHS community and local agencies for the support they provided our students and staff.

Psychological support was provided by Katie Distelrath, MFCC, from the Claremont Human Services Department, Victoria Keyser, PsyD and her staff from Youththerapy Psychological Services and Kirby Palmer, LCSW,  and staff from Tri-City Mental Health Services. In addition, I want to recognize the city manager’s office and the Claremont Police Department for their support.

Finally, I want to thank the members of the community who reached out to CHS with encouraging emails and some delicious treats. Here on campus, I want to recognize the efforts of the CHS Associated Student Body.

Though it was a difficult week, the support we received from the city, local agencies, citizens and CHS students will not be forgotten. Claremont is known as the City of Trees, but it is also the City of Compassion. Thank you.

Brett O’Connor, EdD

Principal, Claremont High School


Police station location

Dear Editor:

My wife and I were reading the COURIER report about where the Claremont police station should be built. In our opinion, build it on half of the Indian Hill location of the Richard Hibbard Chevrolet dealership acreage.

The Richard Hibbard location is centrally located, the area has built in garage equipment and ample parking for impounded cars, which is a good revenue bonus for our city. Prisoners can be placed in one of the separate buildings in the rear. The dealership showroom can serve as the police offices.

The other half of the existing acreage could be used for selling Chevrolet vehicles and go back to generating the $20 million in revenues for Claremont city tax accounts. This is simple.

My next idea is to build a water pipeline from British Columbia and feed water into the LA Metropolitan Water District. But that may be another letter to the editor.

Edward Ey

former Claremont resident


Council divided on tree removal

Dear Editor:

As reported in the COURIER, the city council, at their March 24 meeting, approved a citizen’s request to allow the removal of two mature and healthy oak trees from her neighborhood. 

As an allergy sufferer, I have empathy for her son who has severe allergy problems, but there seems to be zero evidence that removal of two trees will provide relief. It appears that emotion, not science, drove this decision. 

Councilmembers Nasiali and Schroeder made common-sense arguments supporting their stand against removal of the trees. Councilman Lyons made the common-sense suggestion that a decision wait until a scientific assessment could be done. He eventually voted for removal of the trees. Oddly, the deciding vote came from Mayor Calacay, who earlier made compelling arguments against the removal of the trees. 

I hope that Mr. Calacay, Pedroza and Lyons will have second thoughts about this and that the council will stall and reverse their decision before it is too late to save the trees. Not only does this appear to be a bad decision but sets a precedent that may haunt city councils in the future.

Jack Sultze




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