Readers comments 4-22-16

Metrolink noise abatement

Dear Editor:

The comments of Jan Raithel and Stuart Kerridge, published in the April 1 COURIER, highlighted a serious quality of life issue affecting many Claremont residents: warning horns from freight and passenger trains. 

No less than 40 Metrolink trains pass through Claremont every weekday, with horns blaring at every crossing. As was reported in the commentary, the Federal Railroad Administration allows the creation of “quiet zones.” With certain improvements to public crossings, trains passing through the zone are not required to sound their warning horns. This is nothing new. The rules for establishing quiet zones have been in place for over a decade and cities across the country have established quiet zones.

The Claremont City Council should seriously consider this improvement for the crossings that affect the citizens of our city.

Jack Sultze



The mayor got it right

[Editor’s note:?The following letter relates to the Tuesday, April 12 city council meeting regarding the location of the proposed Pomona College Art Museum. It was sent to Mayor Sam Pedroza, with a copy forwarded for publication. —KD]

Dear Mayor Pedroza: 

I am in complete support of your action last night.

You absolutely did the right thing. Your clarification of the process, and your vote, allow this process to continue as it should. The purpose of planning and land-use, and typically with government in general, is to mitigate and amalgamate the varying legitimate and often contradictory needs and desires of varying members of our community. This process of mitigation and amalgamation must reflect the consensus of the entire community.

Clearly this community is split over the issue of the location of the Pomona College Art Museum, and therefore this process should continue until some consensus is achieved. This consensus has not yet been achieved. Your actions have allowed this process of consensus building to continue.

The process of forging and cobbling together an acceptable course of action should continue until a consensus is achieved, an acceptable compromise is reached, or it becomes clear that a mutually acceptable conclusion is not possible. 

If that last possibility becomes obviously the case, then a hands up or down vote may be necessary, but often the best course is no change at all. After all, the current situation has been acceptable for a long time.

I was equally impressed by the other councilmembers, as well as city staff.  All four of the other councilmen expressed themselves respectfully and articulately. As staff presented information, the issues became more focused as the evening progressed. This is very important as this issue is very divisive.

In closing, I want to reiterate that I firmly support Mayor Pedroza’s action last night.

Martin McLeod



Voting rights

Dear Editor:

Together, through our votes, we take control over what happens to our families and communities. But voting rights across the country are under attack. Join with fellow voters and pledge to honor and protect our constitutional right to vote.

Voting brings us together as Americans—it is the one time when we are all equal. It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor, young or old, liberal or conservative; elections are our opportunity to have a say in America’s future. A lot is at stake in every election. By voting, we’re taking control and impacting the issues and policies that will be debated and affect our daily lives.

It is critical that we ensure every American can cast a vote and have it counted. Our democracy’s future is on the line—pledge to support voting rights.

Rooted in the movement that secured the right to vote for women, the League of Women Voters has always been committed to registering and turning out voters, and we’re not stopping now. We protect and defend voting rights across the country in order to ensure that our elections are fair, free and accessible to all eligible citizens. We’ve helped defeat laws that restrict voters’ rights, block such laws where they have already passed, and fight laws designed to curb organizations like ours from registering voters.

Ultimately, elections are about voters like you. Join us in protecting voting rights and safeguarding the rights of all Americans. Thank you for making democracy work.

Ellen Taylor

VP for Advocacy

League of Women Voters

of Claremont Area


Yay for Mitzvah Day 

Dear Editor:          

On Sunday, April 3, a beautiful sunny day greeted the volunteers of our 17th annual Mitzvah Day. 

Everyone enjoyed a sumptuous breakfast hosted by our Sisterhood.  Following a blessing and song by Rabbi Kupetz, the enthusiastic group left to make our community just a bit better. Those that serve the nonprofits we visited, and the many who are served by them, once again realized that Temple Beth Israel knows that they are there and that we care about them.

Thanks to Lee Kanes’ group, 500 pounds of rice, grains, pasta and beans were packaged for clients of the Inland Valley Hope Partners food pantry.

Uncommon Good Executive Director Nancy Minte supervised Shapiro’s large group of families with children at their TBI garden. They planted paper pots with milkweed and marigold seeds that were harvested onsite. They learned how milkweed flowers provide food for the Monarch butterflies that visit the garden,  and how the marigolds provide local beauty and much-needed revenue once cut and sold. 

The Foothill Aids Project volunteers joined Jack Schuster and strolled Claremont’s Sunday Village Market, where they greeted shoppers and distributed literature about FAPS’ upcoming April 28 fundraiser, Dining Out/Fight Aids. The group shared information about FAP, its programs and how folks might become involved.

At TBI, a dozen workers stayed home to do a detailed spring cleaning organized by our TBI president, Marc Kramer. By noon, much grease, dust and fingerprints had vanished from our walls, kitchen, sanctuary, foyer and social hall.

 Foothill Family Shelter led by Andy Weissman now boasts newly-painted metal fences at one of their four courtyards. Thirteen enthusiastic helpers were joined by the agency’s groundskeeper and executive director, who worked along with them sharing information about the shelter’s vital work. 

Once again, our own talented Don Bloch visited the sites taking pictures of this wonderful day.

In addition to all the hands-on help, 15 TBI members generously donated more than $400. This will be given to Foothill Family Shelter to go toward the $800 needed to complete painting fences at their three additional courtyards. 

Our annual Foothill Aids Project Food Drive was a remarkable success. Mr. Schuster delivered 20 bags of groceries to the FAP office along with many boxes of mac ‘n cheese collected by our Beit Sefer students. Thanks so much to the seventh grade class that once again organized this important mitzvah.

Todah Roba to everyone who participated in Mitzvah Day, honoring TBI’s amazing day of service andJudaisms cherished tradition of making the world a better place.

Ethel Steinberger

Social Action Committee Co-Chair



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