Readers comments 7-7-17
Indian Hill bridge
Dear Editor:
It seems there is even less ‘public’ in the Public Utilities Commission, than even we in Claremont had come to believe.
Douglas Lyon
From the Turtle Guy
Dear Editor:
Owing to a mix up beyond my control and which I do not understand, I could not appear with my tortoises at Memorial Park on July 4.
I handed in my signed and dated entertainment agreement at the Hughes Center on May 8. Yet despite my telephone inquiries as the day approached, I never received my authorization and parking pass. I apologize to everyone who had planned to visit my exhibit.
Jay B. Winderman
The Turtle Guy
Protect immigrant families
Dear Editor:
Over 10 million immigrants live, work and pay taxes in California. They are our family, our friends and our coworkers. Recently, federal agents have taken actions to detain and deport our law-abiding neighbors, tearing families apart.
Undocumented residents are afraid to use community resources or cooperate with law enforcement for fear of deportation. Take action to protect our immigrant families and values.
A bill to create landmark protections for immigrant families living in California has passed the state senate and is now in the assembly. Tell your representative to vote yes on the California Values Act (SB 54).
This bill will make sure schools, health facilities and courthouses are safe and accessible to all Californians and prevent law enforcement from acting as federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to detain and deport immigrants.
Passing SB 54 in the assembly is not guaranteed. Tell your assembly member to vote yes on SB 54. Stand with the League. We won’t stand for families being torn apart.
Ellen Taylor
LWV of the Claremont Area