Readers comments 6-28-19
Rep. Omar
Dear Editor:
I would like to thank Scott and Norma Grannis for their inspirational message posted in the COURIER on Friday, May 31.
Their comments regarding Sam Pedroza’s argument that Rep. Omar is “unjustly attacked” for a variety of reasons are spot on. She is called out for her blatant anti-Semitism, and anti-Israel comments not for any of gender, color or religious reasons.
As a representative of others, not just herself and her ideological perspective, she has a responsibility and duty to protect all the people of the US, including those who see Israel as a viable country with the right to survive. A good start would be to add Israel to her map of the Arab Peninsula.
Thank you Scott and Norma Grannis for articulating so clearly Mr. Pedroza’s error.
Carol Oberg