Readers comments 9.6.13

Keep it safe near schools

Dear Editor:

Okay, Claremont parents, now that school has started, let’s review some traffic rules for you to keep in mind as you drop off your children in the mornings. 

We are fortunate that Claremont is a safe community, which makes people feel safe enough to exercise by running and walking around town. These people count as part of the traffic flow, and should be accorded their proper right of way.

The entrances and exits to the high school parking lot are difficult to negotiate during the drop-off time in the morning. However, right-of-way rules must still be observed. Assistant Principal Patterson took on the task to get “watch for pedestrians” signs posted for both entering and exiting traffic on Oxford Avenue to help remind drivers of this after he watched me nearly get hit last spring when I was running south on the Oxford sidewalk. Thank you, Mr. Patterson!

This morning, while a car exited the parking lot and one waited to enter from northbound Oxford, both waited, safely and correctly, for me to cross the opening. The driver of a white SUV waiting to enter from southbound Oxford also saw me as I passed in front of the first car figured this was her ideal opening and accelerated to cut me off. When I looked her in the eye and gestured for her to stop, she did, but was clearly angry. I run defensively, so I watch drivers’ faces to try to anticipate what they will do, and she had looked at me before she started her turn, so she knew I was there.

Come on, people! I promise that if you wait the couple of seconds it takes a pedestrian to clear your lane, it will not make you late for work, nor will it make your child late for school.

To quote the DMV code “The law states that drivers must always yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian.” You are legally obligated to yield. Moreover, it is the safe thing to do. If you hit me, the worst I can do to your car is dent some metal or break a headlight, but the damage you do to me could be irreparable. 

Take a deep, calming breath, remember that pedestrians are part of the traffic flow, not obstacles to it, and behave both legally and courteously as you drive the streets of Claremont.

Joan Fryxell




Dear Editor:

We now have a brief opportunity to prevent another fruitless and probably harmful military intervention in a conflict that does not threaten our national security. I urge all of you who want to support President Obama’s reluctance to attack Syria to contact Senator Boxer, Senator Feinstein and Representative Chu this week.

There are many ways we can try to help the Syrian people with humanitarian relief and diplomatic reconciliation. As for the option of inflicting more violence there, sometimes the best response is “Don’t do something, just stand there.”

Wesley Mason



Kids in the COURIER

Dear Editor:

Kudos on your new Claremont Kids section! What a fantastic and creative way to connect with kids in Claremont—and inspire a love of journalism at an early age. I grew up in Claremont, and my first professional writing credit was with the COURIER. Later, as a student at Pitzer College, I was an editor at The Collage magazine.

After a stint in New York’s publication world, I went on to earn a master’s degree in journalism at USC, and achieve my childhood dream of becoming a reporter and editor for the Los Angeles Times. It all started in Claremont!

Now, living back in Claremont as a stay-at-home mother and freelance writer and editor, I am excited for my child and others to get their first break at the COURIER. Congratulations to Sycamore student Mae Key-Ketter for her well-written, fun article about Hair of the Dog (and to El Roble student Nick Wright for his clear, telling photos). It’s a compelling start to the new kids section. Keep up the great work. I look forward to reading more!

Michele Botwin Raphael




Dear Editor:

Is John Boehner insane or has he just been bought off with some promise of future compromise? He says he’ll back Obama on Syria, a place we definitely don’t belong in. Have we learned nothing from Iraq, Afghanistan and Egypt? The only business we have in the Middle East is oil; is that what this is really all about?  The only oil that Syria has is that which some day may be pumped through it on the way to the Mediterranean Sea.

For God’s sake, let’s get out of this mess before we ever get in.

Hayden Lening



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