Man well known by Claremont police officers
Disneyland gets a run for its money as one man proclaims Claremont is the happiest place on earth. Around 4 p.m., officers responded to the Metrolink train depot regarding a fight in progress. Pomona resident Allen Perez, 41, and Cameron Dawson, a 19-year-old transient, spoke with police and said they’d been “play fighting.” Officers asked Mr. Perez if he knew where he was to which he replied, “The happiest place on earth!” With a half empty bottle of Fleischmann’s Royal Vodka nearby and both men exhibiting signs of public intoxication, they were arrested and transported to jail. This is the second arrest for Mr. Perez this week for the same offense. He’s been arrested in Claremont over 20 times in the past two years.
Check out our complete police blotter Friday.