Readers’ comments: November 4, 2022
Opposition’s anti-Larkin Place strategies are costly
Dear editor:
Misinformation about the future of Larkin Place abounds, and Housing Claremont is committed to being an honest broker of good information.
For example, many have called on the city to issue a “safety study” of the new housing development. In fact, City Manager Adam Pirrie has confirmed that such a study would be illegal, breaking both state and federal anti-discrimination laws that are in place to prevent efforts that would limit someone with a disability from accessing housing.
Others are demanding city council consider alternative sites for the development, yet council has neither the authority nor the standing to act on such a request. The proposed use of the site is consistent with Claremont Municipal Code, the local Housing Element of Claremont’s General Plan, and Claremont’s Homeless Services Plan.
Many believe council will take further action on Larkin Place, when in fact there will be no opportunity to do so. The city is standing behind the 3-2 vote on June 28th to deny the easement and more than $700,000 in park improvements by Jamboree, despite the state’s notice that it is in violation of the Housing Accountability Act. Laws are up for interpretation, and it remains to be seen what the state’s next move will be.
What we do know is that contesting the reach of the HAA is a terrible strategy for those opposed to Larkin Place; fighting with the state over the HAA has only put the city at risk of legal fees and potential penalties without having any impact on the guarantee that Claremont will welcome 32 formerly homeless households to our community.
At least we know this much is clear: finally, Claremont will do a small part in addressing the crisis of homelessness when the promise of Larkin Place is a reality.
Isla Lund
Lund is the board president of the Housing and Homelessness Collaborative of Claremont, a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
Make standard time the nationwide standard
Dear editor:
Andrew Alonzo’s article, “Daylight saving on borrowed time?” [October 28] discussed the history and possible future of daylight saving time becoming permanent. It was interesting and informative; however, he did not discuss the option of making standard time permanent.
There are strong, science-based reasons to consider standard time as the most appropriate choice for a permanent switch. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine argues that standard time is more aligned with our natural circadian rhythms and the sun’s progression through the sky. Dark nights promote the production of melatonin in our bodies, helping us to fall asleep.
One 2019 study found that daylight saving time resulted in 19 fewer minutes of sleep in their subjects. The majority of Americans do not get enough sleep; we should consider giving our bodies the best chance to improve sleep by backing a permanent change to standard time.
Ellen Townsend
Motel crime is ‘canary in the coalmine’ for Claremont
Dear editor:
Now that the time is here once again for casting a vote, I have been thinking about our local issues. This, of course, is one of Claremont’s favorite pastimes and brings me to wonder: why am I hearing so many people lament the idea that Claremont just isn’t the same anymore and, in fact, are moving away? Is the charm of our downtown Village, our tree-lined streets and our beautiful college campuses not enough? These are images we all enjoy. The fact that we have good schools in every neighborhood, a well-trained police force, the inclusiveness that many long-term residents have fought and worked for, and all of these are only a partial list of values and assets that come to mind.
What is concerning me right now is the issue of inclusiveness and transparency in our city leadership. I have been following the discussions and concerns of the residents in well-established neighborhoods south of Arrow and have come to the conclusion that the three motels on Indian Hill Blvd. are clearly the canary in the coalmine. The unfortunate reality is that human trafficking has come to bucolic Claremont.
And what concerns me most is knowing that the well informed citizens who have witnessed and studied this development have been frustrated by the lack of response from some of our city leadership. This brings me to conclude that the changes in Claremont are far more fundamental than the loss of trees we experienced last winter. Transparency, absence of community input … these are the qualities we have enjoyed and trusted and which we must find again in our city government.
When I vote this time, my vote will reflect a decided hope for change.
Joanne Boubion
TVMWD Board race: vote for transparency, follow-through
Dear editor:
The quest for environmental groups and Sierra Club efforts to convince the Three Valleys Municipal Water District Board to take the Bonanza Springs/Cadiz off ramp package has come to a fork in the road. Due to litigation taking place behind closed doors a third party may be selected to continue the Cadiz package in order to avoid a lawsuit against TVMWD, which could indirectly cost rate payers and not director paid stipends or attorney fees.
It’s been two years that the Sierra Club representing the TVMWD service area political endorsement committee propped up candidates on their website who were going to take the bull by the horns and make exiting the Cadiz package a first order of the day. Since the November 2020 election the Sierra Club has been stuck in mud and in denial about the candidates they endorsed.
Now it’s up to voters to decide the fate.
Voters must do their research and cast their vote for candidates who can come through with their promises.
Transparency is a word often thrown around but not practiced or demonstrated by the Cadiz and Bonanza Springs circus show. It’s time to vote for candidates who can deliver on campaign promises and not those who lie. It’s time to elect TVMWD Board members who work day-to-day on educating rate payers, not celebrities who wave in parades.
John Mendoza
Personal attacks only further disenfranchise voters
Dear editor:
In the October 21 Claremont COURIER, the comments section had two untrue and unfair pieces on me (Javi Aguilar and my campaign for Three Valleys Municipal Water District, Division III). The first propagated conspiracy and the second spread of misinformation.
This sort of stuff disenfranchises the community of voters and people who want to do the right thing by running for office to make a difference. If these unwarranted tactics came from my supporters towards my opponents, I would have immediately corrected the record, because it is the right thing to do. Doing the right thing is not always easy or convenient, it is just right.
On October 28, I responded in the COURIER’s Readers’ Comments section, since its readers deserve to know the facts.
I am informing you and other political leaders because you need to be well informed. As political candidates and leaders, we should campaign on the issues (no matter their difficulty) and not make it personal. We should never bring our opponent’s family into the campaign for political gain, as one of commentators did mine. All of us should do better, because our political system will continue to polarize and worsen with this sort of behavior. We need to find common ground to build community and not further divide it. Now you know and have the free will to say something or be silent.
This goes beyond political parties and made me reflect on the late John McCain, a man who took a stance against misinformation and untruths in our political system, when the stakes were high:
Javi Aguilar
Javier Aguilar is a candidate for the Division III seat on Three Valleys Municipal Water District’s Board of Directors.
Vote Reece for City Council
Dear editor:
As Ed Reece has often said, his appreciation for Claremont began long before he became a community member in the late 1990s. Once immersed in the community, Ed became involved in various organizations, including the Claremont After School Program, the Claremont Chamber of Commerce, Inland Valley Repertory Theatre, the Claremont Independence Day Committee, and many more. He was appointed to serve on the Claremont Police Commission and led it before being elected to the city council four years ago.
Ed understands Claremont from many perspectives through his volunteer service and contributions to organizations as diverse as the community. We respect Ed and thank him for his unwavering support to Claremont residents, regardless of which organization he has demonstrated that support.
Charles Gale, Jim Keith
Frank and Donna Marie Minano
La Verne
Vote Leano for Claremont City Council
Dear editor:
I write on behalf of, and in support of, current Claremont Mayor Jed Leano. As your readers know, Mr. Leano is currently running for re-election to the Claremont City Council. While there has been much attention to his work as a council member, I wish to bring special attention to his work on the board of Tri-City Mental Health.
Tri-City was created in 1960 to better serve the residents of Pomona, La Verne, and Claremont. It has been Claremont’s primary provider of outpatient services. Through its programs, Tri-City supports and sustains an integrated system of care for individuals experiencing mental health issues.
Unlike other government positions, serving on the board for Tri-City is a volunteer, unpaid job. Mr. Leano requested to be Claremont’s representative on this board from the first day he assumed office as a Claremont City Council member. In the last year, his leadership abilities have been recognized by his fellow board members and he was elected to chair this government agency.
I serve as one of seven board members on Tri-City’s Board of Directors, and I can personally attest to the countless hours that Mr. Leano has provided to this agency to implement its goals and projects. As an example, he addressed a bottleneck in funding for one of our housing projects and he has brought together numerous government officials and community residents who are stakeholders in addressing mental illness in our local communities. He has done this work without fanfare, without pay, and with much passion.
It has been my pleasure to work with Mr. Leano these past three years on Tri-City projects. I can think of few individuals in our wonderful city who embark so tirelessly and selflessly on these projects. He serves our city well and deserves our support for reelection to the Claremont City Council.
Ronald T. Vera
Former mayor: vote Leano for City Council
Dear editor:
I am writing to tell you that Jed Leano is a marvelous choice for our city council.
Observing this election cycle, and having previously run and served as a council member and mayor, I want to congratulate Mayor Jed Leano on running a positive campaign that speaks in facts about his track record and in reality about his vision for Claremont’s future.
There has been no shortage of opportunities for Jed to respond to innuendo and misinformation. Rather than join any mudslinging, he has continued on the high road, speaking only to his record of service, the results he has worked hard to deliver for Claremont, and a realistic vision for a more inclusive, sustainable, safe, and beautiful city. This cool demeanor and fact-based platform is why he is endorsed by every county and state elected official representing Claremont.
I hope you will all join me in voting to reelect Jed Leano to the city council.
He is exactly the councilman that we need!
Linda Elderkin
Elderkin served as Claremont’s mayor from 2010 to 2011.
Vote Johnson for Claremont City Council
Dear editor:
I support Aundré Johnson for Claremont City Council. This is why:
I recently met a mother whose 16-year-old son was trafficked at Claremont’s Motel 6. She tried unsuccessfully for months to get her son to stay away. Tragically, he died of a fentanyl overdose four months ago.
There have been folks who argue that human trafficking is not taking place in significant numbers in Claremont. Tell that to a Claremont resident and member of a L.A. task force on human trafficking who was following several children trafficked out of Claremont motels.
Learn from Project Sister’s representative, who described the conditions that lure individuals into street prostitution, including sexual assault, drugs and addiction. Listen to the moms who try to avoid main Claremont streets so they don’t have to explain to their children with compassion why young women are wearing “bathing suits” on the streets, conditions that have become exponentially greater since the defund the police movement.
Aundré did not discount the issues I described. Not only did he join a demonstration denouncing crime at the motels, but he took a ride-along with Claremont police to see for himself. He cares about preserving neighborhoods, right-sized density for affordable housing, and meeting state requirements in ways that our community can embrace.
Aundré understands and values the qualities that make Claremont unique. He wants change to be thoughtful and carefully implemented, taking into consideration the neighborhoods around it. He is committed to having local government be transparent so that when actions are being considered, residents know and can contribute to decision-making from the start. He believes that proposals should be fully vetted to avoid unintended consequences.
Please join me in supporting the election of Aundré Johnson to the Claremont City Council. He is a candidate for the people, all of us.
Sue Keith
Readers’ comments: February 7, 2025