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CGU Professor to serve second term on California Board of Education

Professor Carl Cohn of the Claremont Graduate University’s School of Educational Studies has been appointed for a second consecutive term to the California Board of Education. Jerry Brown first appointed him to the position in January 2011.

Mr. Cohn earned a Doctor of Education degree in administration and policy studies from UCLA and a Master of Arts degree in counseling from Chapman University. He has over 30 years of education experience and is the coordinator of the Urban Leadership Program at CGU.

The PhD program focuses on the needs of P-14 educational leaders. The studies are planned around the needs of scholar practitioners holding leadership roles in urban schools. The program allows students to take courses of their choosing in the research they wish to pursue.

Throughout his career Mr. Cohn has worked as a teacher, counselor, professor, superintendent and Federal Court monitor. He played a pivotal role during his career in the Long Beach Unified School District by focusing on urban affairs and the district’s educational policy as their Administrative Coordinator, Director of Attendance and Superintendent from 1992-2002.

His leadership in Long Beach helped the district achieve record attendance, their lowest suspension rate in a decade, decreased student failure and dropout rates, and increased the number of students taking college preparatory classes. His tenure at LBUSD won him the McGraw Prize in 2002 and the district winning the Broad Prize in 2003.


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