CHS seniors make last visit to elementary school

Sycamore Elementary was filled with acute nostalgia on Tuesday morning, as family members, teachers and grade school students gathered to celebrate the 2018 high school graduates who attended the school.

Each of the elementary schools in the Claremont Unified School District held similar events, with graduates visiting their home schools for a final goodbye.

As high school students gathered at the Sycamore entrance preparing to walk through the hallways where they began their educational journey, they were filled with a flurry of emotions.

Claremont High School senior Abraham Park said Sycamore was a great experience for him.

“Sycamore helped begin my love of learning as I continued through middle school and high school, so it’s just cool to come back to my roots,” he said.

Thirty-five CHS seniors went to Sycamore in their maroon graduation gowns while parents, teachers and grade school students joyfully cheered and sang along to the school song.

Claremont resident Susan Kent had tears of joy as she watched the seniors chat with their former teachers and friends.

“Sycamore has been a big part of our family,” said Ms. Kent, with tears in her eyes. “I think it’s a really neat thing and it’s kind of inspiring and fun.”

After the seniors completed their walk through the elementary school, everyone gathered in the quad for a brief meeting. During this time, the graduating class of 2018 had the opportunity to share their fondest memories of being a student at Sycamore.

Senior Shelby Greenberg said, “Sycamore is the best school you can be at, and once you leave you can’t come back.”

Each high school senior who spoke shared a word of advice with current students and they all stressed the importance of savoring the moments spent at Sycamore.

Senior Morgan Choate said, “Have as much fun as you’re having now, because this is about as fun as it gets!”

This is the third consecutive year Sycamore has celebrated high school seniors who previously attended the school. Also, according to Sycamore principal Amy Stanger, they plan to continue the tradition.

“It helps students feel connected with the process of growing up, learning and setting goals,” said Ms. Stanger. “It’s so nice to hear our students doing so well and staying connected to one another, as well as to the process of learning.”

The CHS class of 2018 graduated Thursday. The COURIER will share a host of photos at and in next week’s edition.

—Jacqueline Pinedo


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