All-girl Cub Scout troop, high school students honored

The council recognized Panther Troop 407, the first all-girl Cub Scout troop in the San Gabriel Valley.

Troop 407 was formed after the Boy Scouts of America vote allowed girls to participate last year. They joined as part of the early adapter program.

“We thank you for your service to the Claremont community and congratulate you on your recent celebration of Arrow of Light and bridging ceremony into pack 407,” Mayor Corey Calaycay said.

Troop 407 also led the council and the audience in the pledge of allegiance.

The council also recognized several high school students for outstanding academic achievement.

Those honored include San Antonio High School student Cesar Hernandez-Garcia, and Claremont High School students Sonia Bliss, Thomas Huang, Jelissa Lin, Akheel Mohideen, Jason Peres da Silva, Kaela Reisch, Rajan Shivaram, Ryan Vuong, Justin Wei, Jack Xiao and Allison Zhang.

The next city council meeting will take place Tuesday, June 11.

—Matthew Bramlett


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