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“In October 1952, in an average house in the outskirts of Kabul in the village of Qarabagh, a girl named Shaima Safi was born. Some were not pleased with her birth as the third daughter in patriarchal Afghanistan. But her father saw ‘Shima’ as a source of happiness, considered her an ‘angel of joy,’ and loved her dearly. Soon her interest in education began to bud in her heart, eventually compelling her father to request the establishment of a girls’ school in Qarabagh. And though the request was granted, no one in the village was willing to enroll their daughter, as at the time it was thought to be disgraceful to send girls to school. Shima did not lose hope. At 8, she left home with her uncle so that she could attend school near his home in Kabul.” Photo/by Katya Fairbanks

The third Claremont Art Walk of 2022 will take place this Saturday from 6 to 9 p.m.

One would think that Metrolink has a direct route east to the San Gorgoino mountain wilderness, as seen from Indian Hill Boulevard in Claremont. With more rain and snow falling […]

Bonnie Britt, left, Eleanor Loeliger and Rex Britt enjoy a warm afternoon on the front porch of the Britt’s home in Pilgrim Place retirement community. They said a slow return to normal has been well appreciated but the community still remains vigilant, masking up when in group settings. Part of living at Pilgrim Place means you have a responsibility to care for your neighbor so they still have pretty tight restrictions on visitors. COURIER photo Steven Felschundneff

San Bernardino County Sheriff’s officers remove marijuana plants from a grow house in the 100 block of Kirkwood Avenue on Monday. Officers from both Claremont Police and the S.B. County Sheriff’s marijuana enforcement team, took part in the 8 a.m. raid. COURIER photo/Steven Felschundneff

On Tuesday, Yarnaholic owner Gina Carlson and two of her closest colleagues, including Martha May, worked tirelessly to get knick-knacks, clothes and bundles of yarn out of boxes and up on the walls of the small-scale Foothill Boulevard boutique.

The Claremont Museum of Art announced Thursday that it had received a paradigm-shifting gift from one of Claremont’s top philanthropic families. The museum will receive $1 million from Randall Lewis: $850,000 for the institution’s endowment and $150,000 for immediate needs.

Upland resident Cynthia Pye is always looking for ways to improve her health. The 60-year-old has been active for as long as she can remember and sticks to health basics such as eating right and exercising regularly.

It’s all about Ben, and always has been. That’s the late Ben Bollinger, co-founder of the Candlelight Pavilion, whose 37-year run officially came to a close Sunday when his much-loved theater went out in style, with a sold out crowd on its feet and tears flowing onstage and throughout the house.

by Steven Felschundneff | Regardless of one’s personal reaction, lately it’s been hard to miss a new political sign popping up all over Claremont demanding, “Stop Trumpism, Save Democracy.” […]

by Andrew Alonzo | On Saturday, numerous floral arrangements were on display for the community’s delight as part of the Claremont Garden Club’s fourth ever flower show, hosted at […]

It seems to be the typical Claremonter response to pitch in every time there’s a crisis. When January’s Santa Ana winds blew through the city, residents came together to support one another and clean up tree branch littered neighborhoods.

A controversial proposal by Los Angeles County probation officials to house youths convicted of serious crimes in two camps on Claremont’s northwestern border was shelved by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday.

by Mick Rhodes | Stories of longtime businesses closing their doors nearly always involve an entity decidedly past its heyday, reluctantly giving way to market forces that have rendered […]

It’s Women’s History Month at Ophelia’s Jump. How about catching a play about a real badass historical woman from New Mexico?