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Claremont HS Girls' Volleyball Team in Action

by Steven Felschundneff | Claremont High School girls volleyball has reached the tail end of a very competitive Palomares League season which came to a head on Wednesday when […]

Three years after Pomona College geology professor Robert Gaines discovered a 500-million-year-old fossilized species during an expedition to the Burgess Shale, the once-untitled discovery was recently and honorably named after the geologist in a paper published on September 8.

Keith Strenger

Nosy Neighbors Coffee and Donuts, which officially soft-opened on Thursday after six months of preparation. The shop gives patrons the caffeine boost they asked for while also providing them with mini donuts and the latest buzz around Claremont.

Members of the Claremont High School volleyball team participate in a “Pink Out Game” in observance of national Breast Cancer Awareness Month on Friday at CHS. The event was part […]

Ten years ago, Takako Mino, a student at Claremont McKenna College, received the Napier Award for Creative Leadership to support her efforts to teach debate techniques to students in Uganda, East Africa.

by Steven Felschundneff | Last Thursday, Claremont Police Chief Shelly Vander Veen announced she will retire from the department on November 10. At the chief’s recommendation, the city plans […]

Longtime Claremont resident and Native American elder Al Villanueva performs the Sacred Eagle Ceremony over the casket of veteran William Clark on Tuesday in Claremont.

Pitzer College announced in August that Don Gould had been elected chair of the school’s board of trustees.

Tina Wu Fredericks will discuss “Next Generation Challenges for Public Education” at the Democratic Club of Claremont’s October Luncheon this Friday, October 8, at noon. The talk is another in […]

The yearly OLA Fiesta at Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church has long been an event that brings friends and families together to enjoy a real fair and neighborhood […]

During the first weekend of October, thousands of citizens across the country, including over 150 in Claremont, marched to raise awareness about the currently threats to women’s reproductive rights — specifically the new Texas abortion law which took effect in September.

With no exceptions for rape or incest, the new law in Texas prohibits abortions for women “after detection of an unborn child’s heartbeat” (which can be as early as the sixth week of pregnancy). The law also deputizes private citizens, allowing them to report and to sue those who violate S.B. Number 8.

Peaches the Rescue Dog

by Mick Rhodes | The COURIER interviewed Peaches, a smallish 13-year-old local dog, for a canine-eye-view of life. She gave us that and much more, with this telling blow-by-blow […]

We all worked together at the Claremont COURIER—Genaro Molina, Patty Housen, Jonathan Nourok and I— 36 years ago.