by Andrew Alonzo | Granite Creek Community Church’s 20th annual Living Nativity is currently in production nightly on the church grounds. The play tells the story of the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem to Mary. The show includes...
by Steven Felschundneff | During Tuesday’s Claremont City Council meeting, council member Sal Medina and Mayor Pro-tem Ed Reece mentioned the scary smash-and-grab burglary that occurred in the Village earlier that day. Recalling the trend...
by Steven Felschundneff | Like everything that has come back since the big COVID shutdown, the return to in-person meetings for the Claremont City Council on Tuesday seemed both normal and weird at the same time. The mood in the room was...
by Steven Felschundneff | As a strong winter storm approaches residents concerned about flooding can pick up sandbags at any of the city’s three Los Angeles County fire stations. “When properly filled and placed, sandbags have the ability...
by Steven Felschundneff | The City of Claremont will return to conducting its business at city hall beginning with the city council meeting on December 14. City Manager Adam Pirrie announced the change in his weekly community update last...
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