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Readers comments 12.22.12

Definition of insanity Dear Editor: Regarding the latest in an extremely long list of shootings in this country, I would like to make some observations:  we glamorize war and invade countries that didn’t attack us; we promote further violence by having a...

Let’s tip a glass and look forward to 2013

by Peter Weinberger Traditionally in your last column of the year, a writer will review highlights (and lowlights) to reminisce about key events in the world. This column is not going to be that. The COURIER will have an entire edition devoted to 2012 in our special...

Laymanizing the latest in lex

by Mellissa Martinez It’s that time of year again, the end. As we look back and take inventory, how will 2012 be remembered? Was it ‘amazeballs’ or ‘bang tidy’? Did you ‘zoosh it up’ or was it filled with a lot of...