Carnivores rejoice in burger boom

There’s a retail trend hitting Claremont and it comes on a bun with a side of fries. High-end burgers are taking over the Claremont food scene but as far as one can tell, no one’s taste buds are complaining. As other local food establishments fold, in...

Vandal marks College Ave.

Students at the Claremont Colleges now have an additional reason to take their time crossing College Avenue, thanks to an unknown vandal. College Avenue commuters awoke Monday morning to find a makeshift crosswalk drawn across the roadway in white spray paint with the...

Picture perfect…well, sort of

One evening each week, dozens of boys in cuffed jeans and white T-shirts and girls in poodle skirts and ponytails gathered in the El Roble gym to dance the Jitterbug, the Cha-Cha, the Twist and the Drake, set to a soundtrack of 1950s hits. Contrary to appearances,...