Toys for Tots drop-off locations in Claremont

Wheeler Steffen Sotheby’s is an official Toys For Tots drop off station. New and unwrapped toys may be dropped off at 500 W. Foothill Blvd., Claremont through Friday, December 19 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Toys then to go to the Marines for...
Sophie Williams

Sophie Williams

Nurse, mother, advocate for the developmentally disabled Claremont Manor resident Sophie Williams died on November 13, 2014 at age 93. Born Sophie Lucille Kurowski in 1921 in Chicago, Illinois, she was the oldest of two children born to Roman and Stella Kurowski, both...
Gary Brown

Gary Brown

Financial advisor, golfer, family man Gary Jason Brown of Roseville, California died of severe coronary artery disease just over a year ago on December 2, 2013. He was 51. His memorial service, which was attended by more than 300 of his family and friends, was held at...

Still accepting awards for Martin, seven years later

By Peter Weinberger Over the years the COURIER has received numerous awards for stories, photos, design and advertising published in the newspaper and website. During my seven years as publisher, part of those honors has been accepting awards on behalf of Martin...