Marilyn Angelo

Loving mother, grandmother, aunt and friend Marilyn (Michael) Angelo, a longtime resident of Claremont, died on February 5, 2015. She was 86. She was born on June 12, 1928 at Pomona Valley Hospital to Wilford and Edith Michael. She graduated valedictorian of her 1946...

Readers comments 2-20-15

Economic inequality forum Dear Editor: The American Institute for Progressive Democracy ( is a think-tank based in Claremont that examines and does public education about important issues of public policy that have major effects on everyone. In recent...

Kenneth E. Price

Veteran, accountant, loving father and grandfather Kenneth E. Price, beloved father and grandfather, died peacefully on January 24, 2015 at his home in Claremont at the age of 95.  Mr. Price was born on January 18, 1920 in Ellwood City, Pennsylvania to Albert and...

Claremont, as it was, as it is

by John Pixley I think of it nearly every time I pass through the intersection of Bonita Avenue and Indian Hill Boulevard. Still, after all this time, I think of the McIntyres living in the big house on the southwest corner. It was before I knew them, when Donald came...