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Taking cautious approach at Sycamore

Families and staff at Sycamore Elementary School were greeted Tuesday morning by a police presence after school officials found graffiti on three different parent/teacher conference sign up sheets posted at the school. According to an email sent out by Sycamore...

Wilderness Park Master Plan

by Freeman Allen   I wanted to visit homes on Forsyth Place to talk about the Claremont Energy Challenge, but there was no place I could park. All the spaces were vacant but all were posted “Residence Permit Required,” even on nearby streets....

Waiting for something monumental to happen

It makes sense. I was explaining to a couple friends that there were lots of students in town, being dropped off by parents and moving into the dorms with computers and swivel chairs and an extra pair of bed sheets bought at the local Target, even though classes at...

Readers comments 9-4-15

Claremont, City of Trees… Dear Editor: If you go to Google Earth and start navigating to a point over southern California, something very interesting happens. Claremont is easy to locate from quite a distance because it is greener than any of the communities...