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Readers comments 10-2-15

Memory lane Dear Editor: There was an admirable article in the September 18 COURIER about CHS Principal Brett O’Connor reminding students to show courtesy to the visiting Damien High School football team and fans. Also, the Los Angeles Times wrote an article...

Police blotter 10-2-15

Friday, September 25 Just before 5 p.m., 36-year-old Salome Rodriguez casually walked into the Chase bank, located on the 800 block of south Indian Hill, to allegedly cash a stolen check. The Pomona resident’s plan quickly unraveled when the teller contacted the...

Police station measure has Claremonters talking

Yes on Measure PS Dear Editor: For the past 12 years, city commissions and citizen committees have explored options for constructing a new public safety facility that is now overdue. While the existing police station has served us well for over 40 years, the building...