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Drunk man lucky to spend night in Claremont jail

On Sunday, September 25, a Riverside man was arrested on a drunk and disorderly charge after police gave him a golden opportunity to get a ride home. Police found 35-year-old Kenneth Arellano passed out in the driver’s seat of a white two-door Honda Accord in...
Colorful sky after September storm

Colorful sky after September storm

Claremont was blessed with some much needed rain, especially closer to the mountains, as up to a half an inch of precipitation fell from a fast moving storm Wednesday afternoon. It wasn’t long before the storm cleared out, leaving blue skies and rainbows...
On a clear (hot) day

On a clear (hot) day

As the Santa Ana winds blow, so does the heat and the air quality. Claremont has been blessed with 100 degree heat recently, but also a series of crystal clear days. Such was the case Monday during sunset looking north at Claraboya (from 274 feet) and the San Gabriel...