by Enthusiast | Oct 27, 2017 | Latest News
Arlene Medina wore a costume she called “Alice in torrid land,” during the Halloween dinner and dance on Wednesday at the Joslyn Senior Center in Claremont. The annual event featured a DJ, dancing, a themed dinner and a costume contest. The dancing was...
by Enthusiast | Oct 27, 2017 | Opinion
Bullying at CHS Dear Editor: Jack Sultze wrote the editor on October 20 with concerns about bullying at Claremont High School (CHS). The mission of CHS is “to nurture the academic, social, physical, and emotional development of all students to prepare them...
by Enthusiast | Oct 27, 2017 | Claremont Obituaries
Prominent Southern California political activist, author, historian Local political activist Gar Byrum died from a sudden cardiac episode at his home in Claremont on October 14, 2017, just shy of his 72nd birthday. Mr. Byrum died doing what he loved best, working on...
by Enthusiast | Oct 27, 2017 | Opinion
Back in my day, the SAT was known for its puzzling questions and demand of unconventional vocabulary. I can remember my friends strolling the halls with homemade flashcards cramming words (that they might never use again) into their brains. ‘Capacious,’...
by Enthusiast | Oct 27, 2017 | Claremont Police Blotter
Monday, October 16 Allen Perez was once again arrested for public intoxication, this time outside of Our Lady of the Assumption Church. Claremont police conducted a welfare check on the 44-year-old Pomona resident after he was seen lying down on the south side of the...
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