Roger Bradley, the Claremont community services director, will be leaving the City of Trees for a position in central California. Mr. Bradley will be starting his new position as the assistant county manager for Kings County. He’ll start the new job on August 27, and...
If you’re driving across Arrow Highway, it would be hard to miss Sarah Barnes’ art installation. The front yard of her home is adorned with thousands of paper butterflies seemingly pouring out of a cage from the floor. Two parents are seen kneeling at...
Last week, the Community Services Department and Sustainable Claremont began marking sites for the 2019 reforestation program. Work began north of Base Line Road with crews marking green dots on the face of the curbs where new trees will be planted. Staff will be...
Longtime Claremonter Sam Mowbray died Thursday, July 19 at San Antonio Regional Hospital after suffering a heart attack. He was 74 years old. Mr. Mowbray was a founding member of the ED Net, now known as the Claremont Educational Foundation, served for four terms on...
Councilmember Sam Pedroza made a surprise announcement at the tail end of Tuesday night’s city council meeting. The three-term councilmember was initially planning to run for re-election in November, but changed his mind. “I decided to take a break to...
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