Police blotter 2-7-20

Tuesday, January 28 A driver backed into another car at the Vons shopping center just before 7 p.m., leaving the scene without leaving any information, Lt. Jason Walters of the Claremont Police Department said. There is no suspect information. Wednesday, January 29 An...
Claremont Neighbors: Ortansa Alexiu

Claremont Neighbors: Ortansa Alexiu

Classic hardboiled immigrant stories often begin with, “I came here with nothing.” But we wonder: Is it really possible to arrive in a foreign land with hope and little else? Well, not only did Ortansa Alexiu manage it, she made her journey in 1970 from...

TODAY’S CLAREMONT NEWS and upcoming reminders

COBB AT 95 John Cobb will celebrate his 95th birthday this week with friends and neighbors at Pilgrim Place. Unfortunately, a ticketed Tuesday evening celebration is sold out. But after interviewing Mr. Cobb this week at his home, it comes as no surprise. A Claremont...