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by Mick Rhodes | While the world looked on in horror last Wednesday as the United States Capitol was breached by a violent, deadly mob, former Claremont resident and COURIER reporter Marc Rod was inside the building as the insurrection...

Where does all this end?

by Steve Harrison Like everyone, I am deeply disturbed by what I see play out on our TV screens. Not since the 60’s does it seem like American society has been in such tumult. It seems at every turn there is suspicion and friction, distrust and fissure....

Police blotter 1-15-21

  Wednesday, January 6 The Claremont Police Department received a 10:45 p.m. call regarding a burglary in progress at Postal Connections, located at 915 W. Foothill Blvd. Responding officers say they saw Kristina Feser, 34, from Pomona, and West Covina resident...
Creative tech brings musicians together

Creative tech brings musicians together

by Steven Felschundneff | Matthew Keating had a very real problem. Like so many other musicians, he missed live performances now that the pandemic has forced us to be apart. In his job as executive director of the Claremont Community...
Obituary: Leslie Arthur Brewer

Obituary: Leslie Arthur Brewer

  Principled, resourceful, modest, insightful Leslie Arthur Brewer, 97, lived life with integrity, used words sparingly but effectively, and was well known for his dry, clever humor. In many ways, he lived a remarkable life, but did so unassumingly. Known by...