by Andrew Alonzo | When the 2021 Miss America competition aired Thursday evening on the Peacock television network, the newly-crowned champion shared one striking similarity among a few East Coast college graduates, and the 2021 Claremont...
by Mick Rhodes | In 1961, shortly after buying a nearly two-acre lot in what was then mostly wide open north Claremont, René Brock planted an Italian stone pine. It remains there today, now 50 feet tall. Its oddly shaped canopy and...
by Steven Felschundneff | During Tuesday’s Claremont City Council meeting, council member Sal Medina and Mayor Pro-tem Ed Reece mentioned the scary smash-and-grab burglary that occurred in the Village earlier that day. Recalling the trend...
by Steven Felschundneff | Like everything that has come back since the big COVID shutdown, the return to in-person meetings for the Claremont City Council on Tuesday seemed both normal and weird at the same time. The mood in the room was...
With high temperatures in the 40s in Claremont Tuesday, one might think two inches of rain would bring significant snow to Mt Baldy, above. That wasn’t really the case this time around as less than a foot of the white stuff fell at even the highest of...
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