The Claremont High School Theatre department presents “She Kills Monsters,” a production by Qui Nguyen, directed by CHS Alum Greg McGoon. The play will be mounted on March 17, 18 and 19 at 7 p.m. at the Don F. Fruechte Theatre for the Performing Arts, 1601 N. Indian...
The inaugural KidCare International 5K run and walk is scheduled for next month, April 23 and will be held at Frank G. Bonelli Regional Park in San Dimas at 120 E. Via Verde. The event is the first of its kind for KidCare, and the organization hopes to raise funds and...
by Steven Felschundneff | Claremont resident, John Schleis, had a problem. Returns were cutting into the profits of the big box store he managed and that, in turn, was cutting into his bonus. Frustratingly, many of the returns were...
by Steven Felschundneff | Following a lengthy debate, including one final opportunity for public comment, the Claremont City Council selected a new council district map on Tuesday, narrowly staying on schedule to meet a fast-approaching...
by Andrew Alonzo | The City of Claremont and the Claremont Unified School District recognized students who participated and won honors in this year’s Making Change contest via Zoom Monday evening. Each winner was given a certificate by...
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