High school sports roundup

Claremont High School Boys water polo The Wolfpack participated in the Corona Tournament at Temescal Canyon High School last Thursday, September 1. The team won its first game against Trabuco Hills 17-7, but lost the second game against Burbank, 17-11. On September 2,...
Thanks, Hurricane Kay!

Thanks, Hurricane Kay!

After a miserable week of temperatures in excess of 100 degrees, Claremont woke to cloudy skies and the sound of rainfall Thursday morning. The forecast is calling for more clouds and precipitation this weekend — and low temps mercifully dipping below 70 on Sunday —...
Obituary: Zach Kaufman

Obituary: Zach Kaufman

Beloved son, father, football player, won scholarship to University of Michigan Zachary (Zach) Kaufman was born on November 9, 1981. He died unexpectedly in his sleep on June 13 at age 40. Zach grew up in Claremont. He attended Vista Elementary School, El Roble...