Devoted wife, beloved mother, preschool director, engaging friend, volunteer Nora Amalia Vignoli died at the age of 91, her hand firmly held by Peter, her husband of 68 years. Nora’s life encompassed the era of the nuclear family and transitioned to forging a new...
by Mick Rhodes | The stubborn Vista Fire, burning since Sunday in the San Bernardino National Forest between Lytle Creek and Mt. Baldy Resort, remained 0% contained at press time Thursday, but officials say they hope to make some progress...
Congratulations to Beverly Kottkamp, who was chosen at random among the 28 readers who correctly identified last week’s “Where Am I?” as John Fisher’s 2001 sculpture, “Simple Gifts,” located in Shelton Park. Beverly is now entered into the year-end drawing to...
By Andrew Alonzo | When the starting gun sounded at the June 29 2024 USA Track and Field Olympic Trials in Eugene, Oregon, nine of the country’s best female sprinters set off to join an elite club: the United States Olympic Team. The top...
by Char Miller | Special to the Courier This is not a screed against that favorite aspect of our Fourth of July celebrations, the boom-sizzle-pop of countless fireworks and the elongated “oohs” and “ahhs” that accompany a gorgeous, multi-hued pyrotechnic display. Who...
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