Courier recognized with multiple state journalism awards
The city of Tain-l'hermitage is the center for dozens of large and small wineries that surround the Rhone River as it snakes through the hillsides in southeastern France. This statue of St. Mary stands like a beacon marking the vineyard Terres de Syrah. The California Newspaper Publishers Association named this photo the second best of 2022 in the artistic photo category. Courier photo/Peter Weinberger
The California Newspaper Publishers Association began rolling out its 2022 California Journalism Award winners last week, and the Claremont Courier has thus far picked up six of the coveted trophies.
Courier Editor Mick Rhodes has won two first-place and two second-place awards thus far.
Rhodes won a first in the broad and competitive writing category for his story, “Cash Whiteley is a man.” The judges commented, “Very well written, and provides an interesting perspective on the topic of homelessness.”
Rhodes also won first and second place trophies for his column writing. This is the second year running the CNPA has recognized Rhodes with the top two awards for his column writing.
Rhodes was a second-place finisher in the in depth reporting category for his three-part series, “Changing lives, odds be damned.”
“Deep, textured stories. All that kept this from a higher score was lack of data. Moving,” the judges said.
Courier Publisher Peter Weinberger won a second-place award for his photograph, “St. Mary over Terres de Syrah,” in the artistic photo category.
Steven Felschundneff’s “Celebrating the new camp director” won the photographer and reporter a second-place feature photo trophy.
The CNPA is continuing to announce winners this week and next. If the Courier picks up more hardware, we will report on it.
The city of Tain-l’hermitage is the center for dozens of large and small wineries that surround the Rhone River as it snakes through the hillsides in southeastern France. This statue of St. Mary stands like a beacon marking the vineyard Terres de Syrah. The California Newspaper Publishers Association named this photo the second best of 2022 in the artistic photo category. Courier photo/Peter Weinberger
Cheyenne Uhler, second from left, receives congratulations from coworker Nicole Parks, left, her mother Dawn Uhler and coworker Aliyah Newell after she was promoted to camp director during La Casita Girl Scout Camp’s 75th anniversary celebration. The photo won a second-place award for feature photography in the California New Publishers Association’s 2022 California Journalism Awards. Courier photo/Steven Felschundneff