Reader comments 2-28-14

Our place in the community Dear Editor: Of the Claremont COURIER’s several unique features, Inter-Faithfully Speaking was an especially informative and inviting one for me in the February 14 edition. The Rev. George Silides, rector of St. Ambrose Episcopal...

Metal mania and other Olympic tales

By Mellissa Martinez There is no denying that gold, silver and bronze are both metals and medals, and they do reward those with mettle, but are they meddlesome? Perhaps. The winning or losing of an Olympic medal can certainly mix things up in the lives of athletes. To...

Police blotter 2-28-14

Driver causes heavy damage off-roading at Oak Park Cemetery Police are working on a follow-up investigation after a driver decided it was a good idea to go off-roading in the local cemetery over the weekend. On Sunday night, February 23, a female driver of a white...