Readers comments 4-10-15

  With thanks to Claremont Dear Claremont community: Claremont High School suffered a terrible tragedy on Sunday, March 29, when a CHS student passed away. It was a painful week for the students, staff and families of the CHS community; however, the support CHS...

On the road again

by Debbie Carini I’m about to embark on a huge adventure; in fact, it’s a full-fledged, passport, visa, language-that’s-not- ABC-based adventure. And I am very excited. I like to travel. Having grown up with a dad whose “Sunday drives”...

Many happy returns to Claremont

by John Pixley “There’s no need to leave Claremont. Why would you want to?” I found myself thinking later that Saturday evening last month of what Randy Lopez said. I had just told my friend that, more and more these days I am happy to be able to go...