Back to school, Claremont style

Back to school, Claremont style

Camila Aguirre says goodbye to her mother Ana Harvin as Camila begins her first day of first grade at Mountain View Elementary School. Wednesday was the beginning of the fall semester across Claremont for both students just starting out and those nearing the end of...

A sign of dry times

Workers mow the dead lawn under what appears to be dying trees on Monday at Chaparral Park in Claremont. The city sent a flyer to Claremont residents this week advising on ways to keep trees alive but the drought has taken its toll on the city’s trees as well....

Work begins on water-conserving landscape

Over the past few months, the city has been reducing the grass at city hall in anticipation of a re-landscaping project that began August 19. Construction fencing has been installed around city hall and crews have begun irrigation work. The project will include...

Four thefts reported from unlocked cars

Four thefts from unlocked vehicles occurred between 6 p.m. on Friday, August 21 and 12:45 p.m. on August 22, according to an e-Watch alert sent out by the Claremont Police Department. The locations of the thefts were on the 1900 block of Wheaton Ave., the 1900 block...