Fit…bit by bit

Resolutions, resolutions…ah, the dreaded New Year’s resolutions through which a person resolves to change an undesired trait or behavior, to accomplish a personal goal, or otherwise improve his or her life. Every year, my weight-loss, exercise, reading...

Obituary: Shirley Lee Bieler (Bangert)

Mother of 10, nurse, devout Catholic, adventurer Shirley Lee Bieler (Bangert) died peacefully on January 4, 2018. She was 88 years old. She was born November 10, 1929 in Irving, Kansas to Lena Hager Bieler and Arthur Bieler.  She was a second lieutenant...

Readers comments 1-19-18

Tis the season Dear Editor: Last month, Republicans in Congress delivered a big, sparkly, $1.5 trillion Christmas gift to businesses. At the same time, they filled the stockings of many individuals with coal. Big, beautiful lumps of clean coal from West Virginia, of...

Police blotter 1-19-18

Wednesday, January 10 Steve Hardy, 26, of Pomona was caught by Claremont officers around 9:30 a.m. in a GMC Safari that was reported stolen out of Ontario earlier that morning, according to Det. Erik Orozco of the Claremont Police Department. Police pulled over Mr....